It took about 9 months for me to decimate all the strong enemy armies, take control of the center and confine the enemy to south of the map. How long the game was - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map So much so that even with huge power boos more. I'd say that I loved the opening, because it gives so much freedom in development. Didn't manage to squeze in 4 months, because the map is just huge and catching all heroes is just a ridiculous hastle. Great map, a lot of fun to start, a bit tedious later on - Flames of war - Heroes 3 mapįinished with blue on 5-2-2. no tylko dalej nie mam jedynego pierścienia :D Zdobyłem KP i DD dostałem się do góry przeznaczenia. Gdzie się znajduje drugi pierścień życia? Jeden oddałem strażnikowi, a drugiego do ukończenia gry już nie mam.ģ. All about Heroes of Might and MagicĪuthor: waldek (Polska), 26-05-2023 04:14įrodo zgubił pierścień - Lord of The Rings 3.0 - Heroes 3 map Heroes3 - Your opinions about Crystal Pyre - map rating = 0 Likes - Heroes 7(VII).